GSS-API key exchange

This module provides GSS-API / SSPI Key Exchange as defined in RFC 4462.


Credential delegation is not supported in server mode.


RFC 4462 Section 2.2 says we are not required to implement GSS-API error messages. Thus, in many methods within this module, if an error occurs an exception will be thrown and the connection will be terminated.

New in version 1.15.

class paramiko.kex_gss.KexGSSGroup1(transport)

GSS-API / SSPI Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange as defined in RFC 4462 Section 2


Start the GSS-API / SSPI Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.

parse_next(ptype, m)

Parse the next packet.

  • ptype (char) – The type of the incomming packet
  • m (Message) – The paket content

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class paramiko.kex_gss.KexGSSGroup14(transport)

GSS-API / SSPI Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Group14 Key Exchange as defined in RFC 4462 Section 2

class paramiko.kex_gss.KexGSSGex(transport)

GSS-API / SSPI Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange as defined in RFC 4462 Section 2


Start the GSS-API / SSPI Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange

parse_next(ptype, m)

Parse the next packet.

  • ptype (char) – The type of the incomming packet
  • m (Message) – The paket content

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class paramiko.kex_gss.NullHostKey

This class represents the Null Host Key for GSS-API Key Exchange as defined in RFC 4462 Section 5


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


A Python implementation of SSHv2.



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