SSH agents

SSH Agent interface

class paramiko.agent.Agent

Client interface for using private keys from an SSH agent running on the local machine. If an SSH agent is running, this class can be used to connect to it and retreive PKey objects which can be used when attempting to authenticate to remote SSH servers.

Upon initialization, a session with the local machine’s SSH agent is opened, if one is running. If no agent is running, initialization will succeed, but get_keys will return an empty tuple.

Raises SSHException:
 if an SSH agent is found, but speaks an incompatible protocol

Close the SSH agent connection.


Return the list of keys available through the SSH agent, if any. If no SSH agent was running (or it couldn’t be contacted), an empty list will be returned.

Returns:a tuple of AgentKey objects representing keys available on the SSH agent
class paramiko.agent.AgentClientProxy(chanRemote)

Class proxying request as a client:

  1. client ask for a request_forward_agent()
  2. server creates a proxy and a fake SSH Agent
  3. server ask for establishing a connection when needed, calling the forward_agent_handler at client side.
  4. the forward_agent_handler launch a thread for connecting the remote fake agent and the local agent
  5. Communication occurs ...

Close the current connection and terminate the agent Should be called manually


Method automatically called by

class paramiko.agent.AgentKey(agent, blob)

Private key held in a local SSH agent. This type of key can be used for authenticating to a remote server (signing). Most other key operations work as expected.


Return True if this key has the private part necessary for signing data.

classmethod from_private_key(file_obj, password=None)

Create a key object by reading a private key from a file (or file-like) object. If the private key is encrypted and password is not None, the given password will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise PasswordRequiredException is thrown).

  • file_obj (file) – the file to read from
  • password (str) – an optional password to use to decrypt the key, if it’s encrypted

a new PKey based on the given private key

  • IOError – if there was an error reading the key
  • PasswordRequiredException – if the private key file is encrypted, and password is None
  • SSHException – if the key file is invalid
classmethod from_private_key_file(filename, password=None)

Create a key object by reading a private key file. If the private key is encrypted and password is not None, the given password will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise PasswordRequiredException is thrown). Through the magic of Python, this factory method will exist in all subclasses of PKey (such as RSAKey or DSSKey), but is useless on the abstract PKey class.

  • filename (str) – name of the file to read
  • password (str) – an optional password to use to decrypt the key file, if it’s encrypted

a new PKey based on the given private key

  • IOError – if there was an error reading the file
  • PasswordRequiredException – if the private key file is encrypted, and password is None
  • SSHException – if the key file is invalid

Return a base64 string containing the public part of this key. Nothing secret is revealed. This format is compatible with that used to store public key files or recognized host keys.

Returns:a base64 string containing the public part of the key.

Return the number of significant bits in this key. This is useful for judging the relative security of a key.

Returns:bits in the key (as an int)

Return an MD5 fingerprint of the public part of this key. Nothing secret is revealed.

Returns:a 16-byte string (binary) of the MD5 fingerprint, in SSH format.
verify_ssh_sig(data, msg)

Given a blob of data, and an SSH message representing a signature of that data, verify that it was signed with this key.

  • data (str) – the data that was signed.
  • msg (.Message) – an SSH signature message

True if the signature verifies correctly; False otherwise.

write_private_key(file_obj, password=None)

Write private key contents into a file (or file-like) object. If the password is not None, the key is encrypted before writing.

  • file_obj (file) – the file object to write into
  • password (str) – an optional password to use to encrypt the key
  • IOError – if there was an error writing to the file
  • SSHException – if the key is invalid
write_private_key_file(filename, password=None)

Write private key contents into a file. If the password is not None, the key is encrypted before writing.

  • filename (str) – name of the file to write
  • password (str) – an optional password to use to encrypt the key file
  • IOError – if there was an error writing the file
  • SSHException – if the key is invalid
class paramiko.agent.AgentLocalProxy(agent)

Class to be used when wanting to ask a local SSH Agent being asked from a remote fake agent (so use a unix socket for ex.)


Return a pair of socket object and string address.

May block!

class paramiko.agent.AgentProxyThread(agent)

Class in charge of communication between two channels.

class paramiko.agent.AgentRemoteProxy(agent, chan)

Class to be used when wanting to ask a remote SSH Agent

class paramiko.agent.AgentServerProxy(t)
Parameters:t (.Transport) – Transport used for SSH Agent communication forwarding
Raises SSHException:
 mostly if we lost the agent

Terminate the agent, clean the files, close connections Should be called manually


Helper for the environnement under unix

Returns:a dict containing the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environnement variables

Return the list of keys available through the SSH agent, if any. If no SSH agent was running (or it couldn’t be contacted), an empty list will be returned.

Returns:a tuple of AgentKey objects representing keys available on the SSH agent


A Python implementation of SSHv2.



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