
user — Functions for initializing the library, looking up information, and making changes to the system information store.


#include <libuser/user.h>

struct              lu_context;
typedef             lu_context_t;
struct lu_context * lu_start                            (const char *authname,
                                                         enum lu_entity_type auth_type,
                                                         const char *modules,
                                                         const char *create_modules,
                                                         lu_prompt_fn *prompter,
                                                         gpointer callback_data,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
void                lu_end                              (struct lu_context *context);
void                lu_set_prompter                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         lu_prompt_fn *prompter,
                                                         gpointer callback_data);
void                lu_get_prompter                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         lu_prompt_fn **prompter,
                                                         gpointer *callback_data);
gboolean            lu_set_modules                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *list,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
const char *        lu_get_modules                      (struct lu_context *context);
gboolean            lu_uses_elevated_privileges         (struct lu_context *context);
gboolean            lu_user_lookup_name                 (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_lookup_id                   (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         uid_t uid,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_default                     (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         gboolean system_account,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent);
gboolean            lu_user_add                         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_modify                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_delete                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_setpass                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         const char *newpass,
                                                         gboolean crypted,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_removepass                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_lock                        (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_unlock                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_unlock_nonempty             (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_user_islocked                    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GValueArray *       lu_users_enumerate                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GValueArray *       lu_users_enumerate_by_group         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *group,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GPtrArray *         lu_users_enumerate_full             (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GPtrArray *         lu_users_enumerate_by_group_full    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *group,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_lookup_name                (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_lookup_id                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         gid_t gid,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_default                    (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         gboolean system_account,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent);
gboolean            lu_group_add                        (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_modify                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_delete                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_setpass                    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         const char *newpass,
                                                         gboolean crypted,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_removepass                 (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_lock                       (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_unlock                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_unlock_nonempty            (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_group_islocked                   (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GValueArray *       lu_groups_enumerate                 (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GValueArray *       lu_groups_enumerate_by_user         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GPtrArray *         lu_groups_enumerate_full            (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
GPtrArray *         lu_groups_enumerate_by_user_full    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);


user.h contains declarations for functions which start up and shut down the libuser library, and for functions which perform lookup queries and modifications of the system information store.


struct lu_context

struct lu_context;

An opaque structure manipulated by the library, containing caller-related state (to allow several independent callers in a single process).


typedef struct lu_context lu_context_t;


lu_context_t has been deprecated since version 0.57.3 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use struct lu_context directly.

An alias for struct lu_context.

lu_start ()

struct lu_context * lu_start                            (const char *authname,
                                                         enum lu_entity_type auth_type,
                                                         const char *modules,
                                                         const char *create_modules,
                                                         lu_prompt_fn *prompter,
                                                         gpointer callback_data,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Initializes the libuser library.

authname :

Suggested client name to use when connecting to servers, or NULL

auth_type :

Whether auth_name is a user or a group

modules :

A list of modules to use for queries (separated by whitespace or commas), or NULL to use modules specified in the config file

create_modules :

A list of modules to use for entity creation (separated by whitespace or commas), or NULL to use modules specified in the config file

prompter :

A function to use for getting information from the user

callback_data :

Data for prompter

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

a context which should be freed by lu_end() on success, NULL on failure

lu_end ()

void                lu_end                              (struct lu_context *context);

Destroys a libuser library context

context :

a context

lu_set_prompter ()

void                lu_set_prompter                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         lu_prompt_fn *prompter,
                                                         gpointer callback_data);

Changes the prompter function in a context

context :

A context

prompter :

A new function to user for getting information from the user

callback_data :

Data for prompter

lu_get_prompter ()

void                lu_get_prompter                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         lu_prompt_fn **prompter,
                                                         gpointer *callback_data);

Gets current prompter function from a context.

context :

A context

prompter :

If not NULL, points to a place where the current prompter function will be stored

callback_data :

If not NULL, points to a place where the current prompter function data will be stored

lu_set_modules ()

gboolean            lu_set_modules                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *list,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Replaces the current set of modules for queries in context to list.

context :

A context

list :

A list of modules (separated by whitespace or commas)

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

lu_get_modules ()

const char *        lu_get_modules                      (struct lu_context *context);

Returns a list of modules for queries in context.

context :

A context

Returns :

A list of modules separated by spaces, or NULL if the list of modules is empty. The list should not be freed by the caller.

lu_uses_elevated_privileges ()

gboolean            lu_uses_elevated_privileges         (struct lu_context *context);

Checks if any module uses elevated privileges (e.g. modifies files that normal users can't modify).

context :

A context

Returns :

TRUE if at least one module uses elevated privileges

lu_user_lookup_name ()

gboolean            lu_user_lookup_name                 (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Looks up an user by name.

context :

A context

name :

User name

ent :

An entity filled with received information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success. If the user doesn't exist, returns FALSE without setting error.

lu_user_lookup_id ()

gboolean            lu_user_lookup_id                   (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         uid_t uid,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Looks up an user by UID.

context :

A context

uid :

User ID

ent :

An entity filled with received information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success. If the user doesn't exist, returns FALSE without setting error.

lu_user_default ()

gboolean            lu_user_default                     (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         gboolean system_account,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent);

Fills out an user entity as specified by the config file and modules to prepare for creation of the user.

ctx :

A context

name :

New user name

system_account :

Non-zero if the user is a system user

ent :

An entity

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_add ()

gboolean            lu_user_add                         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Creates an user in all modules specified for entity creation.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user, on success updated with resulting account

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_modify ()

gboolean            lu_user_modify                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Modifies an user entity.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity with pending modifications, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_delete ()

gboolean            lu_user_delete                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Deletes an user.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_setpass ()

gboolean            lu_user_setpass                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         const char *newpass,
                                                         gboolean crypted,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Changes an user's password.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user, on success updated with current information and LU_SHADOWLASTCHANGE

newpass :

New password

crypted :

Non-zero if newpass is already encrypted

error :

Filled with an lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_removepass ()

gboolean            lu_user_removepass                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Changes an user's password to an empty string.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user, on success updated with current information and LU_SHADOWLASTCHANGE

error :

Filled with an lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_lock ()

gboolean            lu_user_lock                        (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Locks an user account.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_unlock ()

gboolean            lu_user_unlock                      (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Unlocks an user account.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_unlock_nonempty ()

gboolean            lu_user_unlock_nonempty             (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Unlocks an user account. If unlocking the account would result in an empty password field, it fails with lu_error_unlock_empty. Note that the password can still be empty.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_user_islocked ()

gboolean            lu_user_islocked                    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Checks if an user account is locked.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the user

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE if the account is locked in at least one module

lu_users_enumerate ()

GValueArray *       lu_users_enumerate                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of all users matching a pattern.

context :

A context

pattern :

A glob-like pattern for user name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

An array of strings, each representing one user name. The array should be freed by the caller.

lu_users_enumerate_by_group ()

GValueArray *       lu_users_enumerate_by_group         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *group,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of all members of a group group.

context :

A context

group :

Group name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

An array of strings, each representing one user name. The array should be freed by the caller.

lu_users_enumerate_full ()

GPtrArray *         lu_users_enumerate_full             (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of entities, one for each user matching a pattern.

context :

A context

pattern :

A glob-like pattern for user name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

A list of pointers to user entities. The entities and the list should be freed by the caller.

lu_users_enumerate_by_group_full ()

GPtrArray *         lu_users_enumerate_by_group_full    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *group,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of entities, one for each member of a group group.

context :

A context

group :

Group name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

A list of pointers to user entities. The entities and the list should be freed by the caller.

lu_group_lookup_name ()

gboolean            lu_group_lookup_name                (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Looks up a group by name.

context :

A context

name :

Group name

ent :

An entity filled with received information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success. If the group doesn't exist, returns FALSE without setting error.

lu_group_lookup_id ()

gboolean            lu_group_lookup_id                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         gid_t gid,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Looks up a group by GID.

context :

A context

gid :

Group ID

ent :

An entity filled with received information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success. If the group doesn't exist, returns FALSE without setting error.

lu_group_default ()

gboolean            lu_group_default                    (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         gboolean system_account,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent);

Fills out a group entity as specified by the config file and modules to prepare for creation of the group.

ctx :

A context

name :

New group name

system_account :

Non-zero if the group is a system group

ent :

An entity

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_add ()

gboolean            lu_group_add                        (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Creates a group in all modules specified for entity creation.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group, on success updated with resulting account

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_modify ()

gboolean            lu_group_modify                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Modifies a group entity.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity with pending modifications, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_delete ()

gboolean            lu_group_delete                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Deletes a group.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_setpass ()

gboolean            lu_group_setpass                    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         const char *newpass,
                                                         gboolean crypted,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Changes a group password.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group, on success updated with current information and LU_SHADOWLASTCHANGE

newpass :

New password

crypted :

Non-zero if newpass is already encrypted

error :

Filled with an lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_removepass ()

gboolean            lu_group_removepass                 (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Changes a group password to an empty string.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group, on success udpated with current information and LU_SHADOWLASTCHANGE

error :

Filled with in lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_lock ()

gboolean            lu_group_lock                       (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Locks a group account

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_unlock ()

gboolean            lu_group_unlock                     (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Unlocks a group account.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_unlock_nonempty ()

gboolean            lu_group_unlock_nonempty            (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Unlocks a group account. If unlocking the account would result in an empty password field, it fails with lu_error_unlock_empty. Note that the password can still be empty.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group, on success updated with current information

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_group_islocked ()

gboolean            lu_group_islocked                   (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Checks if a group account is locked.

context :

A context

ent :

An entity describing the group

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE if the account is locked in at least one module

lu_groups_enumerate ()

GValueArray *       lu_groups_enumerate                 (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of all groups matching a pattern.

context :

A context

pattern :

A glob-like pattern for group name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

An array of strings, each representing one group name. The array should be freed by the caller.

lu_groups_enumerate_by_user ()

GValueArray *       lu_groups_enumerate_by_user         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of all groups containing an user user.

context :

A context

user :

User name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

An array of strings, each representing one group name. The array should be freed by the caller.

lu_groups_enumerate_full ()

GPtrArray *         lu_groups_enumerate_full            (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of entities, one for each group matching a pattern.

context :

A context

pattern :

A glob-like pattern for group name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

a list of pointers to group entities. The entities and the list should be freed by the caller.

lu_groups_enumerate_by_user_full ()

GPtrArray *         lu_groups_enumerate_by_user_full    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Returns a list of entities, one for each group containing an user user.

context :

A context

user :

User name

error :

Filled with a lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

a list of pointers to group entities. The entities and the list should be freed by the caller.