
fs — Utilities for modifying the file system and other aspects of user/group management.


#include <libuser/fs.h>

gboolean            lu_homedir_move                     (const char *oldhome,
                                                         const char *newhome,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_homedir_populate                 (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         const char *skeleton,
                                                         const char *directory,
                                                         uid_t owner,
                                                         gid_t group,
                                                         mode_t mode,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_homedir_remove                   (const char *directory,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_homedir_remove_for_user          (struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_homedir_remove_for_user_if_owned (struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_mail_spool_create                (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
gboolean            lu_mail_spool_remove                (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);
#define             LU_NSCD_CACHE_GROUP
#define             LU_NSCD_CACHE_PASSWD
void                lu_nscd_flush_cache                 (const char *table);


These routines allow an application to work with home directories, mail spools and nscd caches.


lu_homedir_move ()

gboolean            lu_homedir_move                     (const char *oldhome,
                                                         const char *newhome,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Moves user's home directory to newhome.

Currently implemented by first creating a copy, then deleting the original, expect this to take a long time.

If you want to use this in a hostile environment, ensure that no untrusted user has write permission to any parent of oldhome or newhome. Usually /home is only writable by root, which is safe; user's write permission to oldhome itself is OK.

oldhome :

Path to the old home directory

newhome :

Path to the new home directory

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_homedir_populate ()

gboolean            lu_homedir_populate                 (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         const char *skeleton,
                                                         const char *directory,
                                                         uid_t owner,
                                                         gid_t group,
                                                         mode_t mode,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Creates a new home directory for an user.

If you want to use this in a hostile environment, ensure that no untrusted user has write permission to any parent of skeleton or directory. Usually /home is only writable by root, which is safe.

ctx :

A context

skeleton :

Path to a "skeleton" directory, or NULL for the system default

directory :

The home directory to populate

owner :

UID to use for contents of the new home directory

group :

GID to use for contents of the new home directory that have GID set to 0 in the skeleton director

mode :

Mode to use for the top-level directory, also affected by umask

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_homedir_remove ()

gboolean            lu_homedir_remove                   (const char *directory,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Recursively removes a user's home (or really, any) directory.

If you want to use this in a hostile environment, ensure that no untrusted user has write permission to any parent of directory.

directory :

Path to the root of the directory tree

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_homedir_remove_for_user ()

gboolean            lu_homedir_remove_for_user          (struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Recursively removes the home directory of user ent.

If you want to use this in a hostile environment, ensure that no untrusted user has write permission to any parent of ent's home directory.

ent :

An entity describing the user

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_homedir_remove_for_user_if_owned ()

gboolean            lu_homedir_remove_for_user_if_owned (struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Recursively removes the home directory of user ent, only if the directory is owned by ent. Otherwise fails with lu_error_homedir_not_owned.

If you want to use this in a hostile environment, ensure that no untrusted user has write permission to any parent of ent's home directory.

ent :

An entity describing the user

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_mail_spool_create ()

gboolean            lu_mail_spool_create                (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Creates a mail spool for the specified user.

ctx :

A context

ent :

An entity representing the relevant user

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success

lu_mail_spool_remove ()

gboolean            lu_mail_spool_remove                (struct lu_context *ctx,
                                                         struct lu_ent *ent,
                                                         struct lu_error **error);

Creates a mail spool for the specified user.

ctx :

A context

ent :

An entity representing the relevant user

error :

Filled with lu_error if an error occurs

Returns :

TRUE on success


#define LU_NSCD_CACHE_GROUP "group"

Name of the NSCD cache containing group data.


#define LU_NSCD_CACHE_PASSWD "passwd"

Name of the NSCD cache containing user data.

lu_nscd_flush_cache ()

void                lu_nscd_flush_cache                 (const char *table);

Flushes the specified nscd cache to make the changes performed by other libuser functions immediately visible.

table :

Name of the relevant nscd table