
config — Routines for reading configuration information for the libuser library.


#include <libuser/config.h>

GList *             lu_cfg_read                         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *default_value);
const char *        lu_cfg_read_single                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *default_value);
GList *             lu_cfg_read_keys                    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *parent_key);


These routines allow an application or module to read configuration data from the libuser configuration.


lu_cfg_read ()

GList *             lu_cfg_read                         (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *default_value);

Reads the list of values for a given key from the configuration space.

context :

A valid libuser library context.

key :

The value to be read from the configuration. The key should be of the form "section/key" for most purposes. For example, the files module uses keys of the form "files/foo" for all of its configuration data.

default_value :

A default value to be returned in case none are found. Can be NULL.

Returns :

A GList of values, formatted as strings. The list must be freed by calling g_list_free().

lu_cfg_read_single ()

const char *        lu_cfg_read_single                  (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *default_value);

Read a single value set for a given key in the configuration space. This is a convenience function. Additional values, if any, will be ignored.

context :

A valid libuser library context.

key :

The value to be read from the configuration. The key should be of the form "section/key" for most purposes. For example, the files module uses keys of the form "files/foo" for all of its configuration data.

default_value :

A default value to be returned in case none are found. Can be NULL.

Returns :

A string representation of one of the values set for the key. This string must not be freed.

lu_cfg_read_keys ()

GList *             lu_cfg_read_keys                    (struct lu_context *context,
                                                         const char *parent_key);

Read the names of all of the keys in a specified section of the configuration space. This function is typically used for walking the configuration space.

context :

A valid libuser library context.

parent_key :

The parent key under which the caller wishes to know which subkeys are present.

Returns :

A GList of string representations of key names. The list must be freed using g_list_free().