======================== The Docutils Publisher ======================== :Author: David Goodger :Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net :Date: $Date: 2012-01-03 20:23:53 +0100 (Tue, 03 Jan 2012) $ :Revision: $Revision: 7302 $ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. .. contents:: The ``docutils.core.Publisher`` class is the core of Docutils, managing all the processing and relationships between components. See `PEP 258`_ for an overview of Docutils components. The ``docutils.core.publish_*`` convenience functions are the normal entry points for using Docutils as a library. See `Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool`_ for an overview of a typical Docutils front-end tool, including how the Publisher class is used. .. _PEP 258: ../peps/pep-0258.html .. _Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool: ./cmdline-tool.html Publisher Convenience Functions =============================== Each of these functions set up a ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object, then call its ``publish`` method. ``docutils.core.Publisher.publish`` handles everything else. There are several convenience functions in the ``docutils.core`` module: :_`publish_cmdline`: for command-line front-end tools, like ``rst2html.py``. There are several examples in the ``tools/`` directory. A detailed analysis of one such tool is in `Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool`_ :_`publish_file`: for programmatic use with file-like I/O. In addition to writing the encoded output to a file, also returns the encoded output as a string. :_`publish_string`: for programmatic use with string I/O. Returns the encoded output as a string. :_`publish_parts`: for programmatic use with string input; returns a dictionary of document parts. Dictionary keys are the names of parts, and values are Unicode strings; encoding is up to the client. Useful when only portions of the processed document are desired. See `publish_parts Details`_ below. There are usage examples in the `docutils/examples.py`_ module. :_`publish_doctree`: for programmatic use with string input; returns a Docutils document tree data structure (doctree). The doctree can be modified, pickled & unpickled, etc., and then reprocessed with `publish_from_doctree`_. :_`publish_from_doctree`: for programmatic use to render from an existing document tree data structure (doctree); returns the encoded output as a string. :_`publish_programmatically`: for custom programmatic use. This function implements common code and is used by ``publish_file``, ``publish_string``, and ``publish_parts``. It returns a 2-tuple: the encoded string output and the Publisher object. .. _Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool: ./cmdline-tool.html .. _docutils/examples.py: ../../docutils/examples.py Configuration ------------- To pass application-specific setting defaults to the Publisher convenience functions, use the ``settings_overrides`` parameter. Pass a dictionary of setting names & values, like this:: overrides = {'input_encoding': 'ascii', 'output_encoding': 'latin-1'} output = publish_string(..., settings_overrides=overrides) Settings from command-line options override configuration file settings, and they override application defaults. For details, see `Docutils Runtime Settings`_. See `Docutils Configuration Files`_ for details about individual settings. .. _Docutils Runtime Settings: ./runtime-settings.html .. _Docutils Configuration Files: ../user/tools.html Encodings --------- The default output encoding of Docutils is UTF-8. If you have any non-ASCII in your input text, you may have to do a bit more setup. Docutils may introduce some non-ASCII text if you use `auto-symbol footnotes`_ or the `"contents" directive`_. .. _auto-symbol footnotes: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#auto-symbol-footnotes .. _"contents" directive: ../ref/rst/directives.html#table-of-contents ``publish_parts`` Details ========================= The ``docutils.core.publish_parts`` convenience function returns a dictionary of document parts. Dictionary keys are the names of parts, and values are Unicode strings. Each Writer component may publish a different set of document parts, described below. Not all writers implement all parts. Parts Provided By All Writers ----------------------------- _`encoding` The output encoding setting. _`version` The version of Docutils used. _`whole` ``parts['whole']`` contains the entire formatted document. .. _HTML writer: Parts Provided By the HTML Writer --------------------------------- _`body` ``parts['body']`` is equivalent to parts['fragment_']. It is *not* equivalent to parts['html_body_']. _`body_prefix` ``parts['body_prefix']`` contains::