.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Acknowledgements ================ :Author: David Goodger :Contact: goodger@python.org :Date: $Date: 2012-08-26 17:42:37 +0200 (Sun, 26 Aug 2012) $ :Revision: $Revision: 7503 $ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. I would like to acknowledge the people who have made a direct impact on the Docutils project, knowingly or not, in terms of encouragement, suggestions, criticism, bug reports, code contributions, cash donations, tasty treats, and related projects: * Aahz * David Abrahams * Guy D. Alcos * David Ascher * Ned Batchelder * Heiko Baumann * Anthony Baxter * Eric Bellot * Frank Bennett * Ian Bicking * Marek Blaha * Martin Blais * Stephen Boulet * Fred Bremmer * Simon Budig * Bill Bumgarner * Brett Cannon * Greg Chapman * Nicolas Chauveau * Beni Cherniavsky * Adam Chodorowski * Brent Cook * Laura Creighton * Artur de Sousa Rocha * Stephan Deibel & `Wing IDE `__ * Jason Diamond * William Dode * Fred Drake * Reggie Dugard * Dethe Elza * Marcus Ertl * Benja Fallenstein * fantasai * Stefane Fermigier * Michael Foord * Jim Fulton * Peter Funk * Lele Gaifax * Dinu C. Gherman * Matt Gilbert * Jorge Gonzalez * Engelbert Gruber * Jacob Hallen * Simon Hefti * Doug Hellmann * Marc Herbert * Juergen Hermann * Jannie Hofmeyr * Steve Holden * Michael Hudson * Marcelo Huerta San Martin * Ludger Humbert * Jeremy Hylton * Tony Ibbs * Alan G. Isaac * Alan Jaffray * Joe YS Jaw * Dmitry Jemerov * Richard Jones * Andreas Jung * Robert Kern * Garth Kidd * Philipp Knüsel * Axel Kollmorgen * Jeff Kowalczyk * Martin F. Krafft * Meir Kriheli * Dave Kuhlman * Lloyd Kvam * Kirill Lapshin * Nicola Larosa * Daniel Larsson * Marc-Andre Lemburg * Julien Letessier * Chris Liechti * Wolfgang Lipp * Edward Loper * Dallas Mahrt * Mikolaj Machowski * Ken Manheimer * Bob Marshall * Mark McEahern * Vincent McIntyre * John F Meinel Jr * Ivan Mendez for Free Software Office of the University of A Coruña * Eric Meyer * Günter Milde * Skip Montanaro * Paul Moore * Nigel W. Moriarty * Hisashi Morita * Mark Nodine * Omidyar Network (Pierre Omidyar & Doug Solomon) * Panjunyong * Patrick K. O'Brien * Michel Pelletier * Toshio Kuratomi * Sam Penrose * Tim Peters * Pearu Peterson * Martijn Pieters * Mark Pilgrim * Brett g Porter * David Priest * Jens Quade * Stefan Rank * Edward K. Ream * Andy Robinson * Tavis Rudd * Tracy Ruggles * Oliver Rutherfurd * Luc Saffre * Seo Sanghyeon * Kenichi Sato * Ueli Schlaepfer * Gunnar Schwant * Bill Sconce * Frank Siebenlist * Bruce Smith * Nir Soffer * Asko Soukka * Darek Suchojad * Roman Suzi * Janet Swisher * tav * Kent Tenney * Bob Tolbert * Paul Tremblay * Laurence Tratt * Adrian van den Dries * Guido van Rossum * Miroslav Vasko * Paul Viren * Martin von Loewis * Greg Ward * Barry Warsaw * Wu Wei * Edward Welbourne * Lea Wiemann * Anthony Williams * Robert Wojciechowicz * Ka-Ping Yee * Moshe Zadka * Shmuel Zeigerman Thank you! Special thanks to `SourceForge `__ and the `Python Software Foundation `__. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone or misspelled any names; apologies (and please let me know!) if I have.