From: Deepak Bhole To: Based on the initial design specifications for a clean-binary-files, I have created a script that does so (with some added functionality that became evident as necessary during design). The original mail is here: There are now 3 files: clean-binary-files check-binary-files create-jar-links Due to the complex functionality and flexibility that is expected from the script (set), the syntax seems a bit daunting. Any input with regards to this matter, or any other, would be appreciated. ================ Example use case ================ Suppose there is a vanilla tarball abc-1.tar.gz with some binary files (jars) in it. In the source repo, we would want a clean copy without any jars. We can use the scripts to achieve this: To generate an instructions file: clean-binary-files -e -l -a abc-1.tar.gz > instructions This creates an 'instructions' file, which contains info on what stays and what goes. Then, one can run: clean-binary-files -f instructions -n -a abc-1.tar.gz This would create abc-1-clean.tar.gz for uploading into jpp/fedora/etc. repositories with no binary (jar) files. In %prep for the rpm spec, one would have: check-binary-files -f instructions -a abc-1-clean.tar.gz This ensures that the tarball is clean, and has nothing extra, or missing. Following this, one can extract the tarball, cd to it, and run: create-jar-links -f -d This would call build-jar-repository and create symlinks, with extra mappings (form vanilla jar names to jpp names) that are specifiable via the custom jar map. Alternatively, if you have a vanilla tarball, you can clean and create symlinks in it's place all at once by: clean-binary-files -e -d -a abc-1.tar.gz Note: If the -a is not given to clean-binary-files, all actions are performed on current directory. --help output from each of the scripts: ------------------- clean-binary-files: ------------------- Usage: $0 {[-f {-, instructions_file}], [-e exclusion_file] [-l]} [-a archive_file] [-d custom_jar_map] [-n] [-p] [-s] Options: -f - The instructions file, specifying which files to keep and which to remove -e - The exclusions file, specifying special binary files that are to be preserved, or non-binary files that are to be removed. -l - Only list instructions (to put in instructions file), do not delete anything. -a - Archive file on which actions will be performed, as opposed to current directory -d - A custom jar map file (has priority over the generic one). -n - No symlinks (i.e. only clean jars, don't run build-jar-repository afterwards) -p - Preserve original file names (-p to build-jar-repository) -s - Silent mode. Won't output commands during cleanup ------------------ check-binary-files ------------------ Usage: $0 -f instructions_file [-a archive_file] Options: -a - Archive file on which actions will be performed, as opposed to current directory -f - The instructions file to check against. ----------------- create-jar-links: ----------------- Usage: $0 -f instructions_file [-a archive_file] [-p] Options: -a - Archive file on which actions will be performed, as opposed to current directory -p - Preserve original file names (-p to build-jar-repository) -f - The instructions file to check against. Cheers, Deepak