AMI Tools --------- An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a file system image that can be mounted as a loopback device and then used as a file system for a Virtual Machine Instance. The AMI Tools are a set of command line utilities for creating, bundling and uploading AMIs to S3 storage where they can be used by EC2. The following user command line tools are provided: - ec2-bundle-image: bundle an existing AMI - ec2-bundle-vol: create an AMI from an existing installation volume and bundle it - ec2-upload-bundle: upload a bundled AMI to S3 storage - ec2-delete-bundle: delete a bundled AMI stored in S3 - ec2-download-bundle: download an existing bundle - ec2-unbundle: extract a loopback filesystem from an existing bundle - ec2-migrate-manifest: modify a manifest file for use in a different region - ec2-migrate-bundle: modify and copy an existing bundle for use in a different region Compatability ------------- The AMI Tools are available in a self contained zip file for systems that do not support RPMs. They should run on most Linux distributions provided the following dependencies are installed and available from the current search path: - curl - gzip - mkfifo - openssl - rsync - Ruby 1.8.2 or later - tee All utilies should work across Linux distributions provided the above dependencies are met. Installation ------------ To install the AMI Tools unzip the installation file into a suitable installation directory such as '/usr/local': unzip -d This will create the directory '/ec2-ami-tools-X.X-XXXX' where X.X-XXXX represents the release and build numbers. Before running the utilities the EC2_HOME environment variable needs to be set: export EC2_HOME=/ec2-ami-tools-X.X-XXXX If you are using the EC2 API tools and cannot, or would rather not, allow them to share a home directory you can set an EC2_AMITOOL_HOME environment variable instead. This variable takes precedence if both are set. export EC2_AMITOOL_HOME=/ec2-ami-tools-X.X-XXXX The utilities can also be added to the path: export PATH=$PATH:${EC2_AMITOOL_HOME:-EC2_HOME}/bin Documentation ------------- The manual for each utility can be displayed by invoking it with the --manual parameter. For example: ec2-bundle-image --manual The help for each utility can be displayed by invoking it with the --help parameter. For example: ec2-bundle-image --help X.509 Certificates ------------------ Two X.509 certificates are required: one for EC2 and one for the user. The X.509 certificates used by the AMI Tools must be X.509 certificates and, like the private key files, must be PEM encoded. The EC2 X.509 certificate is located at: /ec2-ami-tools-X.X-XXXX/etc/ec2/amitools/cert-ec2.pem